O Lab of Wuhan( वुहान की ओ लैब)

Vikesh Rawat  Verge's post without any deduction

Today, let us give you a mental view of that P4 lab in Wuhan in which dangerous research was going on on the corona virus.

There are four types of biological labs - P1 to P4.

The labs in which we did our MSc thesis at Pantnagar University were very simple C labs. You can call it the lab below P1, which has no name.

Most of the labs in India are the same below P1 - in most hospitals where you go to give blood samples, the poor labs are also below P1. Condition is bad ...

Now come to P1 -

P1 Lab You can say those labs in which I currently work routine in an institute like CCMB. Most of the big institutes have P1 labs in which students from India do PhD.

The lab where I did my PhD in Oxford was P2 Lab.

P2 labs are not often found in India. Even in an institution like CCMB, a room of ten to ten is called P2 Lab, in which I have not gone inside till today because it is closed and I no longer work with P2.

Now come to the P3 lab.

You can think when P2 is such a rare lab that special training has to be taken to work in it and which is not in the big institutes of India, then what kind of lab would the P3 be.

In India, there are P3 labs counted at the fingertips in the country - there will be four out of which five are also in CCMB. You can count the number of P3 trained scientists in India. I took training and certification of P3 Lab in Germany and I am one of the P3 trained scientists in India.

P3 labs work on dangerous bacteria like TB. There is a lot going into this lab, but nothing comes out, not even air. I am a P3 trained researcher, but I cannot even show you the photo of this lab because it does not go mobile in it! I do not even have a photo of it! If anyone has a photo of it, it will be a fake P3 lab!

I have also seen fake P3 labs in India. If I write the name, there will be a ruckus. There was a government lab. When I went to visit that lab, the director said, "Doctor sir, let me show you my P3."

P3, P1 was not even that lab and it was a reference lab in India - India's pride !! A boy was working inside, which was visible from outside by the glass wall. The boy, looking at me with the director, felt a little bit afraid and opened the door and said, let us see sir from inside.

My intelligence has deteriorated !! Hey fool's child, someone in P3 lab is also called like this !! We asked the director what drama is this !! This is your reference P3 lab !! The director went to Hakla and said, I am retiring after two months !!

I felt so much pity on this country that day !!

How poor is this country that talks big !!

This country is placed on a volcano. The day this volcano explodes, it will ravage!

The suite of P3 lab is almost the same as nowadays you are watching in the videos of Chinese hospitals on TV. Covered doctors and nurses in suits from top to bottom. All of them are in P3 suite.

This is to say that the country whose government reference P3 lab I saw this bad condition with my own eyes, what would happen if a disease like corona spread in that country !!

China even treated its doctors by wearing P3 suits to treat patients - here P3 people are not the only ones to work in P3 !! Will these people be able to protect others? Such an outrage will create such chaos, which I cannot describe !!

Now come to the P4 Lab which was running tests in Wuhan !!

Scientists in the P4 lab also take their respective breaths and leave. In this lab, scientists live almost inside a capsule and do the whole work by staying in it.

There are only two P4 labs in India: one in Pune and one in Bhopal. What would those labs be like from inside, I do not know because I have not taken P4 training. And without training, no one can step into the P3, but leave it to the P4.

In the country where the researcher working inside seeing the director outside the P3 lab, leaving the science and moving the tail to shine, can only be the Lord of that country !!

And by reading this post, scientists do not need to be called bad. You ordinary people are also no less !! Get politics done with unnecessary people throughout the day, but you do not ask the scholars of your country, unless the illiterate is right, sly and right, but no leader puts a hand on his head.

The post became longer -

Be happy and pray to your God that the corona does not spread in India and look at it while you are alive.

As for me, I am tied to the throne, like Bhishma. Whatever it is, whatever country it is, I will speak Jai, I will keep on speaking.

Jai Hind !


Hey Gayes Iam vikesh Rawat and this is my blog for news realated so please join my blog

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