Eight tips to increase immunity

In these challenging days, it is very important for someone to have strong body resistance. Here, Sadhguru is giving 8 suggestions to increase the power of your immune system. Article: April 2, 2020

Today, when the Kovid-19 epidemic is spreading in many countries, the whole world is struggling to stop these viruses and not to let the disease spread. Doctors agree that people with a strong immune system are more capable of surviving the corona virus. Here Sadhguru is sharing some measures to increase the power of the immune system naturally.

Sadhguru: Virus is not a new thing in our life. We live in a vast ocean of viruses and germs. The important thing is that this particular virus is new to our system, which is why our body has to struggle with it. So to make sure that our body makes the necessary resistance to it, and we are able to protect ourselves from this virus - like we handle everything else - there are some measures we can take. This is not a cure for corona virus, but if these simple things are implemented, you will see that in 6 to 8 weeks time your body's immune power will increase by at least a few percent. These things will be helpful in saving you and your family from this disease without any harm.

1. Neem and turmeric 

Except in the mountainous regions, neem leaves are easily found everywhere in India and turmeric is found everywhere. Right now some people are making different type of turmeric, which is called 'Nano turmeric' and which our body accepts more than normal turmeric.

Every day you can do a simple thing - add 8 to 10 leaves of neem to a little turmeric in warm water. If you take these empty stomachs then your ability to fight against external bacteria increases greatly. It will not work immediately, but it will show some effect in 3 to 6 weeks. This is one thing that a person can do in their home. This is done in most homes in South India, but probably not in other parts of the country, so everyone should do it.

2. Jeeva legium and raw mango

Traditional things like Jeeva Legium (Chyawanprash) also increase the body's resistance power. If there are people above 60 years of age in your house, then it would be better for them to consume Chyawanprash regularly. Right now the raw mango season has also started. Do not wait for them to cook, rather eat them raw. This is not to prevent corona, but it will make your immune system stronger.

3. Amla with honey and black pepper 

Soak the amla in honey overnight and add some broken peppercorns to it. Take this mixture three times a day, about three teaspoons. If you take this thing on an empty stomach, first thing in the morning, then it has the best effect. If you do this regularly, then in 4 to 8 weeks, your immune system will show a very good effect.

4. Bell leaves 

One type of leaves are found in the Western Ghats region, which we call 'Bel Patra'. If you can eat 3 to 5 leaves every morning then it will also increase the strength of your immune system.

5. Perform adequate physical activities 

Nowadays people are in homes. If they just sit throughout the day, eat or drink something and drink alcohol too, it will make them more receptive to diseases. The simple solution to prevent this from happening is to be physically active. This is a good chance for us to use these few weeks to make ourselves fit. If you do not know anything else, then at least at different times in the day 5 to 6 times, about 15 minutes, do jogging in one place. By being active in this way, your body will handle external things better.

6.Chanting mantras to increase heat

To create samat prana or heat in your body system, chant 'Yog Yog Yogeshvaraya'. You know that there is something warm in nature and some cold, which is commonly called hot and cold, but it (warm and cold) is not really that. They do point towards that, but they don't really mean it. If you produce enough flatness in the body, which will increase the heat in the body, then your resistance capacity works better. Chanting this mantra will bring some more power to your immune system because it generates heat.

This is the link for this practice.

It is important to clarify that this is not a cure for the corona virus, nor does it prevent it. "I have chanted, so now I can go out and do anything irresponsible", no, it will not work like this. This is something that you do for a long time only then your physical system is strengthened. With this, whenever a new virus arrives, you will be able to handle it much better.

7.Keep Yourself Happy

Mental depression or stress is definitely one of the ways to weaken your body's resistance power. Staying full, happy, happy, and excited is a simple way, so that your immune system and your body work better.

How can a joyful, responsible and sensible person deal with situations better than those who are extremely serious. Especially, if you are nervous.

Eight tips to increase immunity


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