How Can You Increase Immunity Power

Increase your immunity power like this!

In the changing season, seasonal diseases trouble those people, whose immunity power has become weak. Such people should improve the immunity power of their body.

If immunity will be developed, then the body will defend itself against many major diseases and infections.

 Living people have a mechanism called the immune system, which keeps these bacteria, viruses and microbes away from the body.

As soon as a person dies, his immune system also ends and the microbes who are waiting to attack the body take possession of the body. That is, there is a protection mechanism inside our body, which protects the body from all diseases. This is called the immunity of the body.

Know what is the immune system: We constantly inhale all the bacteria and viruses present in the environment, but these bacteria are not able to harm us because our immune system defeats them by fighting them all the time.

Many times when the strength of these external germs increases, they penetrate the body's immune system. As a result, many seasonal diseases surround us. Colds are a sign that your immune system has failed to stop germs. You are fine in a few days. This means that the system re-emphasized and defeated the germs.

If the immune system had not strengthened again, then the person would never get relief from cold, cold. Similarly some people are allergic to a particular thing and some are not to that thing. The reason for this is that the immune system of the person who is having allergies is reacting to that thing, while the system of others behaves normally on the same thing.

Similarly, in diabetes, the immune system starts wrongly killing the cells present in the pancreas. Viral and bacterial infections are the main cause of diseases in most of the people. Due to these, diseases like cough and cold can be caused by measles, malaria. The immune system works to protect the body from these infections.

There is a decrease in immunity :

According to doctors, due to irregular eating habits, sleeplessness, late night working habit and irregular routine, immunity (immunity) is decreasing in people.

Apart from this, according to doctors, even during the change of weather, external bacteria and viruses become more powerful and at this time many types of viruses attack in the body, which affects our immunity.

Measures to Increase Immunity (Increase Immunity Power):

Food: The body builds immunity to disease itself. All such things which come in healthy eating should be taken. With their help, the body becomes capable of developing its own immunity.

The body itself builds immunity to disease. It is not that you ate something from outside and it directly increased your immunity. Therefore, all such things that come in healthy eating should be taken.

With their help, the body becomes capable of developing its own immunity. According to Ayurveda, any food that increases your energy is helpful in increasing immunity.

Food that increases acid is harmful. Food supplements available in the market are for those people, people who do not take salad in food, do not eat food on time, eat heavy and junk food more, they can take help of these supplements to fulfill their physical needs .

Apart from this, processed and packaged food should be avoided as much as possible. Things that contain preservatives should also be avoided. Wherever vitamin C and beta carotenes are present, they increase immunity.

For this, take seasonal, orange, lemon. Zinc also has a big hand in increasing the body's immunity. Seafood is the biggest source of zinc, but zinc is also found in plenty in dry fruits. Eat plenty of fruits and green vegetables.

Immunity in children:

The foundation of immunity starts from pregnancy itself. Therefore, mothers who want their child's immunity to be better, they should start preparing for it from the time of conception. Completely stay away from smoking, alcohol, stress during pregnancy. Take nutritious food. Pregnant women listen to good music and read good books.

This is how medical systems work...

1. Ayurveda: Rasayana in Ayurveda is very helpful in increasing immunity. Chemical does not mean chemical. A product that is antioxidant, increases immunity and reduces stress is called a chemical. For example, Triphala, Brahma Rasayana etc., but Chyawanprash is considered to be the best chemical in Ayurveda. Mainly fresh gooseberry is used to make it.

A total of 40 herbs including Ashwagandha, Shatavari, Giloy are added to it. If you look separately, Amla, Ashwagandha, Shatavari and Giloy have a tremendous contribution in increasing immunity. Medical science says that if the level of IgE in the body is low, then the immunity increases. It has been seen that eating Chyawanprash reduces the level of IgE in the body.

How Can You Increase Immunity Power


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