Coronavirus infection rate in India has become uncontrollable. The situation is increasing day by day, the situation of the country can be gauged by the fact that 40 to 45 percent of the cases in the world are from India only 8.92 lakh people have been found coronatic in the world in the last 24 hours.
What causes corona to spread again in India?
Due to this virus, the last 15,142 people died in the world, out of this 3501 people are from India, this figure of the death of Corona powers in India is the government and some negligent Indians are also citizens. Masks began to rotate and this was the reason why the corona spread again in India.
This virus killed many innocent people?
So far, more than 14.87 crore people have fallen into this gap. This virus is so dangerous that till now it has given life to more than 31.34 lakhs in China. In some states of India, the cases of corona are increasing rapidly once again. Maharashtra is very much affected by this epidemic, many countries of the world have sent life-saving drugs, oxygen cylinders and other devices in India facing unexpected cases.
Can 150 districts take lockdown to stop Corona?
The Health Ministry has said that 150 districts can be blocked to stop Corona, which is being considered by the Center so far. The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare believes that if the lockdown is not imposed in these districts soon, then the burden of cases may be much later. In this context, the Ministry has sent a proposal saying that in 150 districts which have more than 15 percent positivity rate, it is mandatory to impose lockdown by relaxation of essential services.
What precautions should be taken due to the second stage of corona?
What to do to avoid the second wave of Corona?
The corona virus epidemic in India has been over a year. On 22 March 2020, the lockdown was imposed due to Corona virus in India.
In the last one year, where cases of corona virus have been seen reaching from 97 thousand to nine thousand, now again, corona virus has picked up speed and the figure has crossed 50 thousand.
The second wave of corona virus has arrived in India and the cases of corona are increasing rapidly.
On March 30, 56,211 cases of corona have been reported. 271 people have died and there are more than five lakh active cases in the country.
Why speed up in the second wave?
Despite all this, the cases of corona are increasing. The effects of vaccination and herd immunity are not seen. In such a situation, many questions are being raised about the end of Corona and its ways.
The first is that while the first wave of Corona epidemic took 97 thousand cases in one day till September, 68 thousand cases have been reported between February and March this year. What is the reason for the speed of corona outbreak?
To avoid the second wave of corona
According to the Ministry of Health, the second wave of corona is going to be more dangerous than the first wave, in this you need to be more careful. There has been no change in the methods of protection from corona. You have to keep your attention in the same manner as you used in the first wave, but this time there should be no scope for negligence.
1. Virus spreads by a small drop, so always wash your hands with soap, after coming from outside, first of all sanitize hands and bathe without putting anything on hand.
2. Do not apply face mask before going out, especially do not take any kind of carelessness while going to the market.
3. Wash vegetables and fruits coming from outside in the house thoroughly in hot water and use it only after drying.
4. Eat things that increase immunity, so that even if you ever get caught by the virus, your hard immunity will help in fighting the virus.
5. Eat fresh food and consume hot water only. Apart from this, spices like turmeric, coriander and cumin must be used in the food.
6. Drink basil, ginger cinnamon, black pepper and raisin decoction 2-3 times a day.
7. It has also been warned by the Ministry of Health that rescue is the only way to avoid this new wave, so keep a distance of two yards and avoid needlessly touching the eyes, nose.
It also informs you that the new strains of corona and the second wave are very dangerous, they are having a serious effect on the lungs, causing problems in breathing and the lungs are starting to melt. If the infection increases due to negligence, it can also affect other parts of the body, which can also kill the victim.